Hey and welcome to Spark of Hope. Recently I had a chance to talk to a head pastor of a bigger name church (I can't list the name for copyright reasons) and we talked for about 2-3 hours. We were talking about 94:18 Studios and how it could reach more people. During this talk "My Lighthouse" by Rend Collective started playing on the churches speakers. And the pastor said one of the best things I have ever heard! He said "Often times we treat God like a flash-light, we think we can pop in batteries (Prayer and Bible Readings) when we need to and the light will work, instead we should treat him like a Lighthouse, Striving 24/7/365 to keep the light burning in the lighthouse to shine to others and keep them from wrecking on shore (Mistakes and Regrets).
Hopefully even this very short Spark of Hope can ignite something inside at least one person reading.
J.C. Bridgewater
94:18 Christian Studios