Hey and welcome to 94:18's Spark of Hope Blog! So recently, I was scrolling through Youtube to find something motivational because I've been down recently. Well I came across something absolutely amazing. Here is just a second Im gonna need you to look something up. Let me say something though. In a world that is trying to disprove God, what you are about to look up is no accident. Alright, please look up "Laminin". Interesting isn't it? Now isn't it ironic that the thing that holds us together is in the shape of the final stage of God's redemption plan? Laminin is shaped like a cross which is no cosmic accident, there had to be a God with a sense of humor behind this! This post is fairly short because the video can say it better than I can so I'll post the link below. However as a ending note, I wanna say something that may be a stretch but here it is, when your life is falling apart you can remember that Jesus is the thing that holds us together!
Anyways, until next time, God Bless
J.C. Bridgewater
94:18 Christian Studios
The Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuDtlHtWR64