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Writer's pictureJ.C. Bridgewater

Spark of Hope #3 - It Is Okay to Hope!

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Welcome to the new 94:18 blog! We are so glad you are here! Today we are going to talk about hope. But first lets start off in prayer.

LORD, We are weary beings that have been tried and defeated everyday. And Everyday we try to be more like you and fail. However through the veil of darkness that covers our world you reach down, help us to our feet, brush us off, and help us get going again. Thank you Jesus for this, and in Jesus' holy name, Amen.

Today's topic is hope! A interesting topic in today's culture. Now the hope we are going to be discusing is more than "I hope it doesnt rain today" it is a deep meaningful desire that something will or will not happen. Also before we hop into today's Spark Of Hope I want to make it known that today's Spark Of Hope is dedicated to my friend Caleb. If you have a topic you would like to hear about please shoot us an email or contact us on the website. Simply put the subject as 'Spark Of Hope Request' and we will reply as soon as possible.

Anyways lets get started. A while back Caleb got really sick and was hospitalized, He asked that the reason remain undisclosed but it was not Covid. Through this time it bothered me that there was nothing I could do to help the situation. Then Caleb shared three Bible verses with me that started to change my view.

Psalm 39:7 - "But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you."

Meaning that no matter what God was going to work this entire thing out for our good as long as we kept faith and never let go of God or His promises.

Isaiah 26:3 - "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you".

Meaning that Caleb trusted God to help him through the whole ordeal and help Caleb when his faith was shaken.

And the last one I know very well Isaiah 40:31 - but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Meaning that Caleb knew that if he kept his faith in God, that God would come in and help him and help him fly through the problem.

The bottom line of those three verses is God's plan is perfect and He always knows whats best. The better way to put this was said by my churches worship pastor "God has never called an emergency meeting because he didn't see something coming". And if we stay faithful and calm, and start praying we will see God's "hand" over the entire issue.

Two other verses stuck out to me during these trying times when I was feeling down about Caleb's problem. Then I realized that there were two outcomes: 1. That God supernaturally healed Caleb by using the doctors and nurses around him or 2. That Caleb would be taken to a place where all sickness, pain, and loneliness was taken away and Jesus himself would wipe away all tears.

Would I have grieved Caleb...Heck Yes! However, NEWS FLASH I ain't God. No matter what I could try to do nothing could repeal the verdict given by God. Anyways, those 2 verses were Isaiah 25:8 and Jeremiah 29:11. God Has A Plan! No matter what you are walking through right now: Pain, Heartache, Addiction, Loss of a loved one, Rejection, Isolation, Depression, ETC. GOD HAS A PLAN! Now the question is not if God has a plan. And the question is not does God know his own plan. But let me tell you what the question is. The question is are YOU going to follow His perfect plan?

If God feels distant from you today let me tell you something. God has never moved a step backward, but every living person at some point has turned and ran away from Him. But in His perfect love He calls us back to Him and welcomes us back with open arms.

One last thing before we end here. During this time with Caleb I had a very wise friend write something for me that made me truly take a step back and rethink my approach. They wrote: It is safe to hope; To hope that he (Caleb) is healed on Earth or to hope that he moves onto a better place. Either way you have a job to do: Minister to him and get ministry for yourself, also to pray unceasingly - for this is God's will.

It is safe to hope; Keep fighting the good fight. Life will only get harder, and you can get weary of it fast. You can't do it alone (that is fight life's problems), not without supernatural strength and support. That is the reason for faith. Believing includes trusting Him with everything - Yes EVERYTHING. The moment you stumble and fall He will be there to lift you up again. But without hope and trust, you're dead-weight. But with God on your side: It is okay to hope!

Well that's all for now, until next time, God bless.

-James Price

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