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Writer's pictureJ.C. Bridgewater

Spark of Hope #4 - The War in Our Midst

Sorry I know everyone is tired of these blog post's being short, however since I am short on time yet again. This will indeed be another short post. Now today I am not trying to start a political argument or debate of any kind, I am simply sharing a message I felt that someone in our vast world needed to hear!

There have been a lot of wars in World History, and they all ended in death and bloodshed! Yet, through all of the destruction and waste that laid around brave men stood up for what they believed in and fought for the greater good of humanity. Two of these men were JFK and Ronald Reagan. JFK famously stated “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country". And in this statement he is not saying that the country is not going to do anything for you, he is simply saying that for the country to do anything for anyone people must pitch in and help.

Ronald Reagan is mostly known for his speech "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" in this speech an American president is imploring the Russian president to tear down a wall that separated the Russians and Germans from the rest of the world in Berlin. A main part of his speech is "As long as this gate is closed, as long as this scar of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind. . . .

General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate.

Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Now you are most likely wondering how brave words from two American Presidents tie into a inspirational Christian blog? Well here we go! Reagan was addressing a major power in the Eastern world and telling him to take down a wall that was built to keep American soldiers out of the city during WWII. JFK's speech was dealing with the Cold War and imploring Americans to stand up and fight for what they believed in. Well what ties all this together is going to shock you! What ties this all together in Prayer. I know that you are scratching your head now but hang on a second.

As humans we often build this 'walls' that we believe that we can force God to stay within and only come out when we need him to! Well let me rephrase Reagan's speech to apply here "As long as this gate (your heart holding on to a sin in your life) is closed, as long as this scar (a pain of your past) of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German (any person) question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind. . . .

_______________(<-Your name there) if you seek peace (With Christ), if you seek prosperity for your life and those around you, if you seek freedom, come here to this gate.

_______________(<-Your name there) , open this gate!

_______________(<-Your name there) tear down this wall!"

We build big stone wall's many regrets deep in our souls and we don't want God to realize that we aren't perfect. However He sees everything including every fall and slip. Yet, the good news is He is there to lift us up again when we do fall! Our 'walls' could be a sin that we are unwilling to confess to God thus making Him feel distant in our lives, but when we confess that sin, he will bring the entire work force (Holy Spirit and other Christians around you) to demolish the wall!

JFK's speech of “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Could also be applied to prayer. You see we often ask God things in one of 5 ways 1). Heat of the moment, 2) Right reason, wrong time, 3) Wrong reason, wrong time, 4) Right reason, underlying gain, 5) in total surrender and at the right time. You see we as humans ask God for a LOT of things. And He has three responses 1). Yes

2) No, and 3) Wait. Also we ask God for a LOT of things when we are unwilling to do the task that He asks us to do. Now what if we altered JFK's speech just a bit? And so, my fellow Christians: ask not what God can do for you – ask what you can do for God. See here's the thing God doesn't NEED us to do His work, He WANT'S us to do the work so we can get rewarded by Him! So today, NOT tomorrow or the next or in a couple months (yeah I know how humans are, cuz I am one!) Today pray and ask God 2 simple things: 1) what is my un-confessed sin that hinders my communication with you? and 2) where can You (God) use me today to let others know about you?

Well after that I realized I probably could have written a book on this a sold it! Yet, seriously I challenge you to talk to God to today and be humble and realize that you are broken and lay everything at His feet. Also quick note before we end, because I have had a lot of people message me and ask me a question. Here's your answer: The Challenge Question is supposed to be a question that only you can answer and if you answer it truthfully it could help you grow closer to God. Also, no two people are going to have the same answer for the Challenge Question and preferably keep the answers to your self just so others can truly answer the question and learn from it! However if you really want to talk to someone message me or one of the Team Leads and they would love to talk to you!

The Challenge Question - What is holding you back from God? Where can you serve God better today?

Well that's all for now, until next time, God bless!

Verse of the Week - Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.

James Price

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