Welcome to 28:20's Spark Of Hope, this is going to be a very short Spark Of Hope but none the less meaningful! This Spark Of Hope is dedicated to the Master of Repeat After Me Songs, and the King of Cheesy, yet somehow fun, songs...My Scout Master!
Almost every camp out my Scout Master would have some sort of repeat after me song up his sleeve, which usually made us all groan when he started singing, however looking back on these songs I came to like them eventually.
You may be thinking, 'and what does that have to do with a devotional?'. Well Im so glad you asked! The repeat after me songs were ridiculous but they displayed two very important traits. 1. Following the person singing and 2. How well you could obey something you didn't want to do. (also 3. How well you could sing).
Now to tie horrible singing for a good 15 minutes to a Biblical truth! Our Scout Master would find a song and then sing it. Well God is like this, He creates rules and wants us to follow his rules. And even if the rule seems weird or ridiculous God wants us to follow it no matter what! Think about the 10 Commandments or God asking Joshua to walk around a wall to get it to fall down.
The Challenge Question for today is: Are You Going To Follow God No Matter What The World Say's About It?
Well that's all for now, Until Next Time, God bless.
James Price